EP58: "Food is Love" Ariana Shahbazi

Ariana Shahbazi is the founder of Wellmamma.com, a wellness platform based around feel-good food and mind/body balance. She is also the host of the Well Mamma talks podcast and a certified Neuro Pilates instructor. Her mission is to share her love and knowledge of food as well as help people connect with themselves by introducing them to various wellness topics through her website, podcast, live zoom classes and retreats.

Ariana what is your non-negotiable self care routine or habit?

I have many! Meditation, moving...and having breakfast quietly.

For our listeners: 

I am currently working a new ebook for Spring Summer recipes , received 30% off my Feel Good Food ebook full of Spring and Summer recipes with discount code PaolaAtlasonWellness

Sign up to my newsletter and follow my IG for live cooking classes and meal ideas

And if you're ready to optimize your health and wellness, schedule your free intro chat to discover your best next steps.

All contact info:

Website: www.wellmamma.com

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO6CLU8GMcYI1YAng8PvMTQ

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellmamma/

Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/2WPutWIRn0apZtms26tYoR?si=jDxthfzCTGC_Ya7DlRw4LQ