I Welcome Spring

The past week has been a whirlwind, seven days that feel like one lifetime. I’m still writing daily, but aware I haven’t shared in this space. So here’s my “it’s almost Spring!” accountability check-in:

Nourishment: Must increase water, I’m extra thirsty as the weather warms and need to add extra hydration to keep the body flowing.

Breath: Excited to include Kundalini practices to my daily sittings. Move that sacral energy baby!

 Flow: Missing some good ol’ dry skin brushing! Will get a new one as a fun add on.

Movement: Craving it now that my lower back feels SO much better, after honoring with rest the past few weeks. Looking forward to refining my yoga practice. Time to play!

Sleep: It feels good. I’ve been falling asleep with easy and sleeping though the night. Daylight savings has me waking up later than I’d like to, but I’m allowing space for the transition.

Joy: I co-hosted my firs in-person workshop since pre-rona! My heart is full. I had the joy of meeting new and old friends in person, yay! Looking forward to more connection this year.

Awareness: My body speaks LOUDLY. Humbled by the miracle workers who take care of me, and support the flood of energy and emotions wanting to burst. Grateful.

Looking forward to it all, honoring the Art Of Transition.


ps: Yes, that’s a lot of exclamation points in one text, but that’s how I’m feeling!