EP43: "Messy is Sexy" Olivia Young

Olivia Young “livs” by the idea that the best things in life make you sweat. A self proclaimed "life-a-holic," Olivia believes in the power of energy. She follows many mantras including you get what you give and if you think you can, you can. 

After many years in the hospitality industry, Young finally realized that given her commitment to early mornings working out rather than late nights of dry aged meat and aged scotch, she should make the jump to pursue her passion of fitness with box + flow®. Young practices a ‘LIVYOUNG lifestyle’ inspiring those to embrace both sides of themselves and all aspects of life.

She considers balance to be boxing, burgers, backbends + beer. Liv is developing a balanced brand for the lady who can fight and the man who can flow, and encourages enjoyment without limitation - committed to bringing forth a lifestyle that speaks to all things. work hard, LIVYOUNG.

A favorite non-negotiable self-care ritual or routine OR a favorite recipe or tonic:

Daily sweat, sleep, create. I love 7 minute salmon in air fryer with melted anchovy, cracked pepper + lemon. Or whole roasted cauliflower with salsa verde

You can find Olivia at:





And a special gift to our listeners:

If you come to class at her new soho studio you get: buy one get one free for your first session!