Are you tired of feeling tired? Done with jumping from one diet to the next, only to lose the weight and gain it back? Maybe all the tricks that used to work before no longer do, and you just want to have someone you can trust, who’s been through what you’ve been and can relate to you, simply tell you what to do to feel energized, vibrant and free?

Then I’ve got just what you need - A customized protocol designed just for you. Change happens quickly within our sessions, and during our time together you’ll receive specific guidance to release the physical, emotional and energetic layers holding you back. You’ll release the weight as you experience increased energy levels, inner peace, and an overall lightness of being.

Together we’ll also navigate underlying health concerns such as: Hormonal imbalances like menopause (pre, during and post), fertility, PCOS, and endometriosis. Digestive disruptors like bloating, SIBO, candidaiasis, and IBS. Autoimmune conditions like hyper and hypo thyroid. Pre-diabetes, diabetes, and diabetes / weight loss medication recovery (Semaglutides, glps-1, Ozempic, Wegovy, etc). I will connect with your medical practitioners or wellness team as needed, to collaborate and design your support as YOUR team.

  • – An initial in-depth wellness assessment consultation to review your health history and current lifestyle habits, and to collaborate in establishing your weight loss, health, and wellness goals.

    – A personalized nutrition program with foods to add and omit, delicious weekly menus, simple recipes and guidelines for cooking at home, when eating out. or while traveling.

    – Weekly or bi-weekly 1:1 live Zoom sessions with Paola which include energy healing, movement practice, guided meditations, and exercises to identify and shift your limiting habits, and break free from non-supportive patterns.

    – Daily text support to review your food journal, follow through with specific assignments, to share your experience, and to ask all of your questions in real time as we go along.

    – A complimentary 3-month membership to my online community, The PaolaGang, with access to my library of recipes and self-care techniques, and community support.

  • – Clarity from being seen, supported and understood.

    – Light and vibrant, with a surplus of energy to last your whole day.

    – Organized and connected to your process, and excited to reach your goals.

“Oh. My. I am radically informed and feel like I’m 25 despite recently turning 52. I am not seeking youth but I am really drawn to finding ways to deeply support my body, mind and heart and feeling more vitality has been such a gift. The natural consequence of learning how to love myself through Paola’s pillars was the releasing of nearly 20 pounds of inflammation in my body.”