How I Keep Going

It’s ok to not feel ok. It took me a long time to understand that we can - or are “allowed” to - simultaneously feel multiple emotions.

Currently I’m toggling between joy and grief, celebrating my family’s health, feeling grateful for the work I do and the women who’s lives touch mine, as I process the immense sadness we’re experiencing as a collective.

So what keeps me going? Knowing that caring for myself and staying healthy allows me to help in deeper ways, rather than avoiding or denying how I feel by muting it with food or alcohol.

I have a sketchy past with booze, a history of disordered eating, and have been known to seek solace in a cozy blanket of depression. But naming my shadows, my beautiful wounds, doesn’t own or define me, it simply allows me to look them in the eye and say “we don’t need to do that baby, come with me and I’ll show you how.”

I invite you to name your “thing”, the one you keep repeating and calling self-sabotage, the one that sneaks her head out when you’re feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. And if you can, look her in the eye, and show her a new way how.

If you need support in figuring this out I’m here for ya, and I LOOOOVE doing it.

Paola 💕