How I save $$ on groceries

2023 is a big financial year for me, in the sense that I want to learn it, love it, save it, and invest it. I want to be in a loving relationship with my money, like a hot marriage that’s withstood the test of time, even though it currently feels like we’re dating - and we just met on Tinder (does that still exist?).

Upon deep (and I mean DEEP) analysis, I realized one of the areas where I can be smarter is when shopping for groceries. It’s easy to cut down on eating out, but when it comes to the almost-daily trips to the supermarket, I needed a little finessing and research. I want to be savvy while keeping flavor and joy.

Here, a few cost saving tips I’ve been relying on:

  1. Make your own nut milk.. I’ve been buying raw cashews in bulk for $12.00 a pound and can make the equivalent of 16 cartons of Elmhurst - which are $6.99 each. Do the math (and see recipe below). You’ll not only save, you’ll know exactly what’s in it!

  2. Try new starchy veggies like plantains, yucca and kabocha squash. These are staples in the Dominican Republic where I’m originally from, and contain prebiotic fiber which is great for your gut.

  3. Not everything needs to be organic, when in doubt do your best. You can always soak your leafy greens, celery, carrots, beets and berries in a mixture of water with a little distilled vinegar and salt for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. This will strip any nasties and keep them fresh longer.

My favorite Nut Milk:

1/4 cup raw nuts or seeds (I love cashews or flax)

4 cups water

Pinch of sea salt

1tb coconut butter

Maple syrup, one date or stevia to sweeten

Blend and enjoy! It will keep fresh in the fridge for up to 3 days.

For more tips, recipes and live conversation join us in the PaolaGang Online Community. We’re diving into hormonal health this month, our next coaching call is Next Wednesday 3/22 @ 12pm est, register here.

I’m also hosting a workshop “Understanding Menopause” this Thursday. A live conversation with a circle of women sharing their experiences, tips and advice. Details and registration here.

Hugs- Paola