How to have the BEST day...

Sometimes we just need a little help, a buddy to hold our hand through a rainy day. In case you’re looking for support, I’d like to be there for you.

Next Monday, March 20th we kick off our 14 day Feel Good Challenge. As a member of my newsletter, you’re in for free!

You’ll receive daily practical nutrition and self-care tips available only in my coaching program “The Journey”. You’ll be able to effortlessly add these to your daily routine.

We have a live kick-off call Monday at 6pm est, I’d love to see you there and answer all your questions. We’ll have a special gift on the last day of the challenge, announced here in the newsletter as well - so stay tuned!

Save the date and add it to your calendar with this zoom link:

Join the call

Meeting ID: 851 6942 1243

Passcode: 322534

I look forward to supporting you in having the best day! If you have any friends that need a little love, or ideas on how to add some structure to their day, please forward them this email and invite them to subscribe to the newsletter as well.

Hugging you - Paola


P.S: My 4-week course “Intentional Eating Foundations” begins on 4/6. We’ll explore the impact of stress and how your emotional state informs the why, how and what you eat, while cultivating confidence and self-awareness to reach and maintain your goals. Register here.