What to eat to feel your best: Feel good day 2

This is the “secret” I teach my clients in my Journey coaching programs to make their lives WAY easier when considering what to eat. I call it my “Ideal Plate”. The idea is to have a little bit of everything in each meal, and this outline makes it simple to remember. No need to count or measure anything, these are just guidelines to train your intuition:

Cooked vegetables: 1-2 fistfuls

Raw vegetables (salad) 1-2 fistfuls

Protein: Up to the size of the palm of your hand (without the fingers)

Beneficial fats: 2 thumbs

Starch / fruit: 1 cupped handful

Your task today: Make your lunch and dinner an “Ideal Plate”.

I’d love to see what your meals look like today! Feel free to share on instagram and tag me @paolaatlasonwellness and #feelgoodchallenge and I’ll take a look and give you feedback! For recipes and ideas join us in The PaolaGang.

P.S: If you missed our challenge kick-off call yesterday you can catch the replay here

Passcode: a^3b$7Ox

XX - Paola