EP30: "Live Your Truth" Christina Caruso Podcast Interviewpaola atlasonSeptember 15, 2019Christina caruso, creative director, fashion executive, mom, motherhood, New York momComment
EP25: "The Smallest Moments" Jackie Courtney Podcast Interviewpaola atlasonAugust 11, 2019Jackie Courtney, nearly newlywed, motherhood, brooklyn, gratitudeComment
EP21: "Daily Rituals" Claudia Saez-Fromm Podcast Interviewpaola atlasonJuly 2, 2019Claudia Saez-Fromm, The New York Life, motherhoodComment
EP 4: “Yoga And Motherhood” Jessica Mougis Podcast Interviewpaola atlasonOctober 15, 2017jessica mougis, jem yoga, motherhood, yogaComment